Quick initial sketch of Mary Rae’s Uncle. Got any good Uncle names?
One comic down, nine to go. According to the rules, I can’t post them here until the contest is over, but I can give you this brief glimpse. Any idea what’s in that box? I find drawing comic strips to be a lot of fun. Writing’s a bit tougher–still fun, but I haven’t really been able to rein it in. By that I mean, I can’t schedule it as a task; ideas only pop in to my head when I’m doing something else and my mind wanders.
Thanks, Grandpa! And yes, my hair really does look like that right now. Jealous?
Engaging in animation practice, like any good Disney employee. I analyzed a few frames Groucho Marx slapping a guy, and am trying to recreate some of the gestures. This is also known as procrastination–I should be working on a comic strip. Which I’d probably be drawing right now if I were procrastinating on an animation. Sigh. Can you see why I was a C student?
Revisiting the bear; I know this looks rough, but it’s actually better-constructed than the bear I posted the other day, in that he’s made up of well-defined 3D shapes, making it easy to visualize what he’ll look like from all different angles. As a bonus, his features are closer to my natural style of doodling, so I think I’ll have a lot more fun drawing this version. I’m sure there will be like 10 more versions, and by then he’ll be a turtle.