Featured image of post I’m Not Wearing Any Pants

I’m Not Wearing Any Pants

Feeling lukewarm about my latest homework; I can tell I haven’t been practicing enough over the last few weeks. This week’s assignment was a portrait from the waist up. Wonder if the teacher will notice that I totally cheated by bundling up in front of the mirror, thus avoiding having to draw hands and ears.

Featured image of post Not Feelin’ Too Sharp

Not Feelin’ Too Sharp

Gotta gear up for my first art class in 3 weeks, so here’s a little practice “seeing” my pencil sharpener. Tomorrow I’ll do my latest self-portrait, aka the homework on which I procrastinated (for nostalgic purposes?).

Featured image of post Can’t Touch This Lawn

Can’t Touch This Lawn

I know it seems chintzy to offer a hastily-drawn and slightly disturbing skecth of an old man wearing M.C. Hammer-style genie pants held up by suspenders, but I’ve been trying to finish editing a wedding video. Hate it when paid work gets in the way of my unpaid hobbies!

Featured image of post From the 3rd Dorkmension

From the 3rd Dorkmension

Because I’m a giant nerd, I wanted to use my computer to see how close I was with yesterday’s shadow. Using Photoshop’s 3D function (which I’d never actually touched before), I placed a cutout of my character in a 3D scene and put up a light in roughly the same location I’d envisioned yesterday. So I think I wasn’t too far off, but I was probably silly to try to show any curves in the long shadow; as this example shows, a shadow like that is just sort of compressed into straight lines.

Featured image of post Paging Lamont Cranston

Paging Lamont Cranston

Toying with a possible comic strip character. Don’t get too smitten; this is the very first rendering of her. By the time I figure everything out, she’s liable to be an old lady, or Chinese, or a talking horse. I also did this drawing to try out a principle from Andrew Loomis’ “Fun With a Pencil” (a nearly 80-year old book available for free here), which is why she has that big `ol ugly shadow behind her.

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