Was thinking about seeing “The Artist”, and realized it these actors might be fun to caricature. It’s especially fun because they’re basically unknowns, so I didn’t have any preconceptions about what their caricatutures should look like. Those who have seen it, yea or nay?
Here’s tomorrow’s homework, done in vine charcoal as usual. Took me about 3 tries before my perspective was anywhere in the ballpark; was hard to get my brain to accept that my knee should be about as big as my head, because it’s closer to the viewer. Oh, and in case you think I’m a narcissist for always doing homework drawings of myself, the assignment is always to draw from life (no photos), and I’m the only person I’m willing to ask to sit for a portrait.
Here’s the latest incarnation of the cartoon bear I’ve been toying with; he’ll likely be the main character in a comic strip contest I’m entering. He’s still too generic-looking, but I think I’ll just have to settle for something like this for now, if I hope to make the deadline.
On impulse at the art store, I bought a little plaster head, one that depicts a dude with his face muscles exposed. Here’s today’s practice.
Picked up a compass and started in on a new Bargue. Still made a few mistakes, but overall this is much closer than my first two attempts. I’ll continue working on this offline, but I’ll try to post something different here tomorrow, since I know these are a bit boring to look at.