Hey look, the comic strip contest has begun! Click here to browse through the entries and vote. I suggest you vote for the one with the bear jumping out of a box, because that’s just hilarious. (If you get bored browsing the other strips, search for “Kerkel”.)
This week’s homework assignment was to do a portrait utilizing the composition from a painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. So, Friday morning I ducked into the museum for about 15 minutes and settled on Anthony Van Dyck’s portrait of Lucas Van Uffel. Instead of working in charcoal, this week I decided to dive into the risky world of permanent ink, using Copic multiliners and sketch markers. I only had to use white-out a couple of times.
Couldn’t leave that one unfinished! Not that this is “finished,” but now it’s on to art class homework. I’ll put that up tomorrow.
Just a little very rough sketch of Tata’s successful trip to the suburbs of Sacramento.
So, not only have I been cartooning like a madman, I’ve also been sticking to the 7 am wakeup schedule I started a while back. (When was that? It’s all a blur.) If you happen to notice that i sometimes post close to 3am, you probably already realize that I’ve been racking up quite the sleep deficit! So, in celebration of finishing my 10 strips, as well as consideration for my remaining brain cells I’m going to push it to 9am tomorrow.