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Sketchy Smurf

Did I mention I bought the iPad Pro?! And the Pencil! I’ve had it for over a week, but after a busy Thanksgiving week in California I feel like I’ve barely put it through its paces.

Tonight I attended a figure drawing session and spent the entire 2 hours sketching in Procreate. For the final, 25-minute pose, I decided to turn off my pesky left brain and paint with colors that weren’t necessarily there. It’s something I should do more often; most of the rest of my sketches tonight looked pretty stiff by comparison. Here’s the condensed version:

So far I’m very happy with the way the iPad Pro and Pencil feel as drawing tools. When paired with an app as snappy as Procreate, the disconnect I sometimes feel when drawing digitally has been largely minimized. Downside: all the blame for clunky art now falls on the artist!

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