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Pre-Comic #2

I’m doing these to familiarize myself with Manga Studio, a fantastic piece of software designed specifically for comic art. I’m also doing it to see how much work it takes to put a daily strip together. Not much, honestly. This one took under 2 hours from idea to posting, which is nothing compared to most of the stuff I’ve been trying lately. Obviously a lot of that has to do with the level of simplicity, but it also helps that inking is a breeze. In an all-paper workflow, I’d have to do a fairly finished pencil sketch, then carefully go over it with ink, thus removing most of the spontaneity from the drawing. Here, I can do a very rough sketch on paper, then a freehand “ink” drawing in Manga Studio.

So why do I even bother with paper? Because I’ve found that I’m much more likely to come up with an idea if I’m away from the computer. Sad, but true.

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