Featured image of post Cartoon Characters are People Too!

Cartoon Characters are People Too!

As I expected, the class got the joke and laughed politely, and then we discussed the drawing as if it were any other serious homework assignment. If only my harridan elementary school art teacher had allowed cartoons in art class, I’d probably have gotten all this schooling out of the way 30 years earlier! Anyway, the teacher noticed something I already realized, which was that my character was way too stiff.

Featured image of post How I Spent My “Spring Break”

How I Spent My “Spring Break”

This week’s homework assignment was kind of a throwaway; another student suggested “let’s draw what we did with our time off,” and the teacher shrugged OK. So for the purposes of this cartoon, I stood on a curb treating old ladies like figure models, even measuring with the bamboo skewer my teacher gives all her students as a tool. This will either get big laughs, or the sound of intense, judgmental crickets.

Featured image of post Bob Hope Will Be Right Back After these Scribbles

Bob Hope Will Be Right Back After these Scribbles

Laziness before work, plus spur-of-the-moment socializing after work=I didn’t draw a GD thing today! Didn’t help that I left my sketchbook at home. Here’s a page from earlier this week in Washington Square Park. Drawing class starts back up on Saturday; our very loose homework assignment is “what I did on my Spring Break.” So maybe I’ll finish up Bob and turn that in, or postpone Bob until Saturday, and do a self-portrait of me moping around at work.

Featured image of post Hope this Doesn’t Suck (Pt 2)

Hope this Doesn’t Suck (Pt 2)

Wanted to get a little further, but somebody plopped a pesky day job smack in the middle of my day. Anyway, after about an hour of blending different shades of gray, the face is starting to come into focus.

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