Featured image of post Sicko De Mayo

Sicko De Mayo

Just drawing what I know, unfortunately. Sniffle.

Featured image of post I’ll Draw the Back of Any Stranger’s Head for $29.95

I’ll Draw the Back of Any Stranger’s Head for $29.95

I know, it seems like I’m being pretty bold turning in homework this chintzy a week late, but whatever, it’s the most laid back class I’ve been in since 3rd grade. Last week’s assignment was a portrait with scenery, so here’s a guy I’d like to call “Dan” waiting for the bus on 86th street. Believe it or not, all my gesture drawings before today have focused solely on what my niece calls “the peoples,” but I had a lot of newfound fun sketching Dan’s surroundings, long after he had boarded the bus to the East Side to get a benign mole removed by Dr.

Featured image of post Gesture Stick

Gesture Stick

I can’t call this a likeness of Tata; he stands too straight to be a cartoon character! But to be a cartoonist I’m forced to exxagerate. Maybe it’s Tata at 120.

Featured image of post Spontaneous Charley Stone

Spontaneous Charley Stone

I still have no idea what I plan to do with these characters, but for now they’re helping me practice. Today I practiced drawing characters moving dynamically, and worked on my digital inking technique.

Featured image of post Goof E by Goof M

Goof E by Goof M

I really intended to be done with Disney characters, but I couldn’t resist this timely sketch challenge on Reddit. Also, for some reason I wanted to try out my dip pen again, and to my surprise I found it a little easier to handle. The one thing I did differently was make sure to doodle on a piece of scrap paper after each dip to get rid of excess ink.

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