This week’s much-needed drawing class subject: hands and feet!
Here’s some characters who got the sketchbook treatment on the subway tonight.
Attempting two of my most amateurish skills: caricature and inking. I was having a real ink flow problem today; I think I need to go get some ink thinner, if such a thing exists. Anyway, it’s supposed to be Johnny Carson, circa the late 60s, when he still had a lot of black in his hair. There’s a new special about him running on PBS right now. All the lines are real ink; the gray tone is digital, and I also used Photoshop to clean up some ink splatters!
Here’s what kind of nerd I am; when I read about some of the pen nibs that were favored by long-dead cartoonists like Al Capp, I’ll hop online and order them from another country just to try them out. This here was scratched out by a Gillott 290 nib, and it’ll take some getting used to! Unlike some of the other nibs that came with the “Cartoonist Kit” from my local art supply store, these nibs are small, delicate and finicky, and you can’t really cheat them in more than one direction.