Featured image of post Coming Into Focus

Coming Into Focus

Still not ready to call this “done”! But here’s the latest version.

Featured image of post Red-Eyed Minion of Mickey

Red-Eyed Minion of Mickey

On two hours of sleep (don’t ask), so it’ll be another day before I get back to the painting. Incidentally, the latest update of the iPad app Sketch Club, on which I drew this, is much improved in terms of speed, as well as support for the Jot Touch stylus.

Featured image of post Four More Days!

Four More Days!

…until you’re possibly subjected to another convention-related questionable caricature. This one might be Mitt.

Featured image of post Grand Old Paint Drying

Grand Old Paint Drying

My boss’s review of Day 2 (3?) of the RNC. I concur. Incidentally (before you grouse about the liberal mainstream media), he has a picture of Ronald Reagan on his wall, and unlike me is actually interested in politics. But boring is boring!

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