Featured image of post Too Tired to Sleep

Too Tired to Sleep

Sleepily watching an old movie, and doodling to meet my quota!

Featured image of post Sit On It

Sit On It

Ah, you never know what you’ll find in Mark’s Sketchbook. One day, it’s a naked lady, another day, it’s office furniture. Just a little more pracitce with my gridded picture frame. It really is helping me maintain the proper perspective. Now I just need to acquire more interesting possessions.

Featured image of post Training Hooves

Training Hooves

I still struggle to get everything in the right spot on the page. I thought maybe I could help myself get over this hurdle a bit quicker if I practiced viewing objects through picture frame glass marked with a grid, and drawing on a Photoshop file or piece of paper containing the same grid. I think it works pretty well. I thought this might be considered a crutch, but it’s actually recommended in a lot of art books as a way to train yourself to measure.

Featured image of post Plane Spoken

Plane Spoken

Randomly picked someone to sketch. Why Abe? Why not? Heck, I might vote for him in the general election. Tonight I toyed around with the idea of planes again, spurred on by this short lesson on CtrlPaint.com. This guy’s lessons are great, by the way, and cover the basics as well as more advanced stuff. I’m not even sure if I did a great job finding the planes here, but just considering them was a good reminder that the head is a mass and not a flat shape, which in turn results in more believable proportions and shading.

Featured image of post “It’s Not Easy Beeing Green.” “Don’t Be So Negative.”

“It’s Not Easy Beeing Green.” “Don’t Be So Negative.”

A couple of my favorites from today’s class. Above is a rare moment where I loosened up. The teacher mentioned that my initial sketch was too small on the page. So, I spent the last minute of the 5-minute pose enlarging it and quickly scribbling the curves. I need to see if I can maintain this sort of looseness, especially for quick sketches. The drawing below was done using negative space.

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