Featured image of post Panel O’ The Day

Panel O’ The Day

Don’t worry, whenever the comic seems like it might be getting sappy, I ruin it with a snarky punchline. But enjoy this brief bit of cuteness. 9 down, 1 to go. Mercifully, I found out that I actually have until Saturday to submit. However, I’m still going to try to have them all finished by Wednesday night, so I have time on Thurs/Fri to work on my art class homework.

Featured image of post Bear Trapped

Bear Trapped

Y’know, when I’m completely sick of drawing the same stupid bear over and over again, I like to take a break and look at family phot…ah, crap, there he is again. Actually, I’m enjoying this experience, except for the part where I compacted all the work into like 4 days. After getting a feel for the workflow, I can actually imagine doing this for a living, discounting the fact that hardly any cartoonists are paid a living wage.

Featured image of post Bear’ll Roll

Bear’ll Roll

I’m steadily inching toward the deadline. Here are my two favorite panels so far. This isn’t even the punchline, but for some reason I wanted to see if I could draw a bear leaping over a counter, only to accordion on the floor below. Edit: Argh, I took a second look at these panels and realized, it’s hard to read what the bear is doing in the first panel there. I think sometimes when I’ve been drawing something for too long it starts to look right even when it isn’t.

Featured image of post Bare Chair Pair

Bare Chair Pair

My sister will be happy to know that I’ve been subjected to dude nudity for the last two classes, but today’s class was unusual because it featured two models, one of each gender, alternating poses. The teacher lectured on the structural differences between men and women. I’ve signed on to this class for another quarter. I think it’s really helped me out, even with my cartoons; I’m no longer apprehensive about drawing a person in motion.

Featured image of post Bear Claw

Bear Claw

Ack! Only two toons in, and my elderly hand is already cramping up. Of course, in this particular strip, the character is reading a letter, which I’ve written by hand instead of using my usual custom font.

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