Featured image of post Leggo My Uggo

Leggo My Uggo

What did my crush look like? Unfortunately my long-term memory has always sucked, so to jog it I arranged, at great personal expense, time travel for the young lady. Augh! I think something went wrong with the time machine! Kill it with fire!

Featured image of post Crush ā€˜nā€™ My Spirit

Crush ā€˜nā€™ My Spirit

You’d think 8-year-old Marky was looking at a traffic accident or something, but no, it’s just another grade school crush on an oblivious girl. Luckily I’m way less shy now, hence the Valentine’s Day spent alone drawing myself!

Featured image of post Ursine Welles

Ursine Welles

Hey all, don’t forget to vote for Kerkel at this stupidly tedious cartoon contest! Cartoon #2 is up, just in time for everybody to forget Cartoon #1.

Featured image of post Plane Haggard

Plane Haggard

I.e., how I feel after a weekend of trying to keep up with a 3 year old!

Featured image of post 39 x 3 + 1 =

39 x 3 + 1 =

It’s not just my mom who celebrates a February birthday; there’s also this guy! He’s brought me great joy over the years, and yet I couldn’t caricature him for the life of me.

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