You know the drill; when I’m too tired to draw, I draw myself tired. As an added bonus this time, I’m drawing myself drawing myself tired. Or if you want to get technical, I’m drawing myself drawing myself drawing myself tired. No wait…
Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. Here is a link to the video instead. Hey look! Spurred on by my apparent love of prize-free online competitions, and possible creeping dementia, I drew several hundred pictures to create the fleeting illusion of motion. Actually, I’ll spare you the usual self-effacing stuff. I impressed myself over the past couple of weeks by finally finding the patience to accomplish something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid.
Another thrilling frame from the animation I’ll submit tomorrow. Continuing a tradition I started in college, I’ll finish it up in the morning.
Ow my crampy hand. I promised Kerkel that if he’d finish my animation for me, I’d rustle up some votes for week 4 of the never-ending comic strip contest. Click here and search for Kerkel!
Oh hey, I’m busy animatin’, so have a naked lady from yesterday’s class. This time round, we were studying tone by using white chalk and charcoal on gray paper. And yes, the model was reading her Kindle.