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A Peek Inside the Drawing Room

Hey, it’s contest season, everyone! As I may have mentioned, I’m following up January’s comic strip contest with a shot at February’s 11 Second Animation contest. The basic concept is, you’re provided an 11-second audio clip from a movie or TV show, and your job is to add visuals in the form of character animation.

Between my tendency to procrastinate, and my lack of experience, I wasn’t too sure I’d be able to get through this one. But this weekend I whittled my idea into something within reach of my current abilities.  Today I finished a rough, scribbly animatic, which means the whole thing is mapped out. Now it’s just a matter of spending all of my free time over the next 8 days drawing furiously.

As happy as I am with my progress, it’s still a bit of a mess to anyone looking over my shoulder. However, in a few days I’ll probably feel comfortable posting some rough draft videos here.

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