Featured image of post Sketchgate


My pal Jason suggested I draw myself as someone else. Naturally, I chose Richard Nixon.

Featured image of post Cracker Part 2

Cracker Part 2

Well, here it is. My first painting…ever? Eye spacing issues aside, I was pleasantly surprised with the result. I mainly used the technique described in this hour-long YouTube video, starting with one base color for the whole image, then painting large swaths of tone over that, then blending using the color picker with a brush at low opacity. Photoshop CS5 actually has brushes that simulate wet paint, but I didn’t use those.

Featured image of post Cracker Part 1

Cracker Part 1

I watched a few tutorials tonight on digital painting, so I thought I’d give it a shot. This will probably take a couple evenings. Here’s the first step; the sketch that I’ll paint over. As you can see, it’s me eating a cracker, which I’m sure is something Van Gogh would have painted if he hadn’t come up with the whole hacking off the ear thing. Sneak peek at my progress as I hang it up for the night:

Featured image of post Mommy, why is my right arm off the page?

Mommy, why is my right arm off the page?

One of my biggest problems right now is misjudging how much space I need on a page, even with a photograph in front of me. Drawing from life is even harder; I guess I’ll have to adopt that stereotypical thumb-forefinger window until I improve. Drawn on newsprint with a soft wax crayon.

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